Results for "E"

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  Title Copies
Eliot: "The Mill on the Floss" (Brodie's Notes) 
Edition: Revised 
Year: 1993 
ISBN: 0333580850 
ISBN 13: 9780333580851 
Eliot: "Silas Marner" (Brodie's Notes) 
Year: 1992 
ISBN: 0333580826 
ISBN 13: 9780333580820 
Electra and Other Plays (Penguin Classics) 
Year: 2008 
ISBN: 0140449787 
ISBN 13: 9780140449785 
Year: 1939 
Economics and Ideology and Other Essays 
Year: 1967 
ISBN: 0412086506 
ISBN 13: 9780412086502 
E.M.Forster's Quest for Order:A Study of His Major novels 
Year: 1992 
E.M. Forster (Bibliographical series of supplements to British book news on writers and their work) 
Edition: Revised 
Year: 1954 
E.M Forster's Relationship to the Tradition of the English Novel